PSA: Parents, stop listening to quacks and their fake autism “cures”

Terrified parents pick up on whatever bad information is out there, and start trying things out on their kids. Don’t do that, it can be harmful to your child. (Click on “Complimentary and Alternative Treatments”, and whatever you do, ignore the cheerleading for ABA!)

“These types of treatments are very controversial. Current research shows that as many as one third of parents of children with an ASD may have tried complementary or alternative medicine treatments, and up to 10% may be using a potentially dangerous treatment”

This is medical-ese for “Are you kidding me?”

Read and watch these instead.

Want to Know About Autism? Ask An Autistic

Don’t Mourn For Us

Yes, You Need Autistic Friends

Welcome To The Autistic Community // focused on adult autistics, but a lot of the information applies regardless of age

A Checklist for Identifying Sources of Aggression

Why I Left ABA

A personal blog about autism, neuroqueerness and transformational liberation