Category Archives: Queer/Trans

Community Organizing Beyond “Officially Diagnosed”

There needs to be a “misdiagnosed, undiagnosed and suppressed diagnosis” caucus of sorts. This is important at face value, but also because it dovetails into:

– Under-representation of women and trans people

– Under-representation of people of color

– Under-representation of working class and working poor people (because of cost + misdiagnosis)

– Under-representation (and contested representation) of adult autistics in general

This also impacts on the quality of (beneficial) research, as well as the tendency for research to focus on “cures” rather than social accommodation and support across the spectrum.

The lack of beneficial research + scare tactics = the dominant paradigm around autism, especially in the U.S. and parts of Europe (but not the UK, it seems). (Don’t @ me about Brexit, I know.)

This also requires having an org(s) or movement(s) to have a caucus in to begin with, though. There’s community-based orgs — comes to mind — but they’re few in number.

ASAN is focused on policy and lobbying, AWNBN is focused on support and resources. All of which are incredibly important, but there needs to be more.

As per usual, the “autism advocacy” groups are actively hostile to self-advocates in a lot of cases. There’s people working to rectify that – but they’re few (if not singular) in number.

Meanwhile, “zomg the vaccines!!!” seems to have gotten supplanted with “zomg, school shooters!!!!” and “zomg, neurodiversity is a cult!!!” <- actual things that actual people say, loudly and repeatedly

Our neurodivergent selves are right here. Feel free to talk with us anytime. Meanwhile, there’s a lot of work to do, and this should be part of it, I think. 💪🏽 ✊🏽 ❤️ Onward.

Quick update

I’ve been slow on posting for the past month because reasons, but here’s some things that I’m working on:

– Origins of ABA and its relation to LGBT conversion therapy

– The realities of being autistic in the U.S. school system

– The lack of diagnosis and subsequent public awareness of autistic women and people of color

– Shared realities and differences between the HSP and Autistic communities

– Lived experiences and realities of undiagnosed and diagnosis-suppressed autistics

There’s a bunch of content up there already, though. Feel free to have a look. 🙂 Thanks!

That Time I Got Jumped

TW: extreme violence, attempted murder, transphobia

I got jumped in high school. I could have died.

Me, once I broke free of the stranglehold: “Why did you do that?”

Him: “Because you’re different.”

Me: “Different? What kind of different?”

His friend, who watched the whole thing and did nothing: “Come on, let’s go. No, let’s *go*.”

They ran off.

Going back through it, “you’re different” wasn’t just over being trans (and starting to wear more femme clothing to school, and growing my hair out, in order to start trying to come out), or being mixed (although i got attacked for that as well, all the time), but because I didn’t pick up on the “…what are you doing” socially layered cues that were a sort of “danger: cease autism” warning against defying the norms, as well.

I now strongly suspect that not reading the warning cues (someone asked me “what’s this about”, and i didn’t get the “concerned, but oh well” tone and expression they had, at all), was what pushed things over the edge into my being attacked. Teenagers talk. What about? They didn’t tell me — I’m sure they assumed I’d figure it out on my own, or if not, that it was on me.

If I had known how to read the body language and facial expression of the person who tried to warn me, I’d have been like “oh shit, this is high school, and I’m…something they don’t like, obviously, they keep assaulting me, got it” and either closeted myself until I could get free, or figured out a means of resistance with my high school “beyond the outcasts” social cluster. ✊🏽 (Note: if I grew up when teaching “life skills” was more common, I doubt it would’ve helped much. My assumption is that doesn’t work for the same reasons that sex ed in the U.S. frequently doesn’t work, either. Labeling a curriculum a particular way doesn’t mean that it’s addressing the needs that the label infers.)

As it was, I was perplexed. I thought to myself, “Are you unhappy about the way i’m presenting? You don’t seem angry, so…well hunh, no idea. I guess you were just curious. Oh well.”

Shortly after that, I got jumped. I took the proficiency exam, split that gd place and never looked back. 💃🏽

Queer/Trans Autisinal Intersect: an Autistic Neuroqueer Personifesto

The thing about the intersect of autism and queer/transness for me is that it’s all a blur, and has been since childhood, on a personal level. It’s *all* part of the same fabric of oppression, teasing it out in terms of what happened diagnostically is murky at best.

In childhood and through to my teens, I was weepy, angry, avoidant, aggressive, bookish, stimmy, social (but with the “wrong” gender), reclusive, and basically a queer happy mess, as long as people left me alone, which they most definitely did not. So then, i was a miserable queer mess, and they still didn’t leave me alone.

Both at school and in my sort-of-home, everything was an intervention, constantly, from the moment I showed up the first day of school to the moment I left the school system when i was 15. Autism, queerness, transness, problem behavior, asocial behavior, all the same tapestry of “stop doing that”.

That said, they did all sorts of soft and hard intervention-like things to me, back when ABA was just starting to get off the ground. “Stop being queer/trans” things. “We’re testing your ability to match faces to emotions” things. Rorschach things. EEG things. “The tests are to screen for your mother’s neurological condition, but only you get tested repeatedly” things. “Look me in the eye, no, *look* me in the eye” things. “Staggering from the EEG drugs” things. “Stop toe walking, people will think you’re gay” things. “Stop looking at shiny and stacked things” things.

I tried to self-advocate to get my school records, but my mom bullied me out of it.

It took me over 40 years to talk about this publicly, and the only reason I am now is because I lucked my way into support materials for autistic women, or as seems to still be an ok thing to say, autistic females. (Yes, females in that sort of way, ladies.)

So I hate to break it to folks, but clinical diagnosis or no clinical diagnosis, school records or no school records, you’re never going to get rid of me.

I am well the damn hell right here, I will remain here until we all are free, and you can’t stop me. To paraphrase Rodrigo De Souza, “My paperwork is in the blood”. (Cancelled? Boo.)

Autism, ABA and The Arts — Childhood Memories

A mind-bendingly difficult thing from my past that i’m coming to terms with:

I might have been screened for and possibly diagnosed with autism back in grade school, or some sort of gifted + autistic, although that was before “doubly exceptional aspie” was a thing (early 1970s).

I went through the Very-Concerned-Teacher-to-shrink-to-non-staff-specialist gauntlet for a while. I definitely was being assessed for cross-gender behavior; pattern matching games and a “mind in the eyes” test was part of that.

That’s mostly sorted for me now, or sorted enough that I’m slowly moving from being floored by it to acceptance and integration of what happened.

What’s still too raw to talk about in much detail: realizing that writing and music was the communication vector that might have kept me from getting aggressively ABA’d or institutionalized in some way or another, right at the moment when modern “child autism” was starting to be acted upon (as in, ABAing autistic children). So, it’s a toss-up as to what would’ve happened, had I not lucked into writing and music as “ok, well, you’re ‘creative and sensitive'” as a result. Things went from “You’re a problem. *sounds alarm*” to “You’re innately talented, so of course you’re that way”, quickly, come fifth grade (homeroom teacher) and seventh grade, partially. I never was labeled as “gifted” within the school system, but writing and later, music was how I found my way to forms of support that were actually supportive, rather than more aggressive interventions, both informally and formally.

It also was a way to express myself creatively in a classroom setting, rather than *stacks small stones away from the other kids* or *runs into the closet, overwhelmed*. In other words, I was “learning how to behave”, so the early negative reinforcement machinations of ABA-like things wound themselves down. This unfortunately did *nothing* to stop students themselves from aggressing against me, but it did change the classroom dynamics, including the times where I was flunking out, in a class where I had tested beyond grade level or otherwise was capable of doing the work. The right-wing “take” on this is to attribute this to laziness, but…well, no, actually.

Same goes for my family — if my parents were presented with a diagnosis of autism, or as was starting to get phased out, schizophrenia as a clinical “who even knows” place-holder for autism (this all happened in the early 1970s), it’s very possible that my parents took one look at the school system and attempted to intervene on their own instead, because that was my family, back then. (This was before my father’s drinking, and the subsequent bullying and aggression kicked in.)

So when my active interest in spinning and stacking games shifted to reading the dictionary and their encyclopedia set, then once encouraged, to writing and music, it was tolerated, and accepted, both in my family and at school. “Narrowly escaping a worse fate” is my best guess and operative assumption, for now.