Autistic Affirmations

I honor myself.
I honor my interests.
I honor my stims.
I honor my way of being in the world.

I demand the right to personal autonomy.
I demand the right to make my own decisions.
I demand the right to ask for help on my terms.
I demand the right to not know the answer to something.
I demand the right to learn from my mistakes.
I demand the right to my own forms of gender expression.
I demand the right to my own consensual forms of sexuality.
I demand the right to choose my social relations in general.
I demand the right to not conform to social norms and expectations.
I demand the right to refuse therapies I don’t consent to.
I demand the right to refuse ABA and ABA-like things.

I will defend myself against abuse.
I will defend myself against discrimination.
I will defend myself against violence.

A personal blog about autism, neuroqueerness and transformational liberation